Switching EHRs?
We make EHR transition simple for every clinic with any EHR.

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Old EHR, It’s Time to Hit the Road

You’ve had it with your current EHR. You’ve done your homework and you’re ready to make the switch.

But what's the plan for all of those old EHR records? You need an easy way to archive and access that patient history so you can get on with your conversion.

Problem solved. ChartCapture is here to help...

ChartCapture can export all of your old EHR records for you and give you a simple way to access them when you go live on your new EHR.

And since providers want everything at their fingertips and they’re particular about how things are organized, we'll customize your tabs to make sure they're just what the doctor ordered ; -)

Set up and Management $3,999 One Time Fee
Archive Records $0.39 Per Record
ChartCapture Account $29 Per User, Per Month

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